Lets Automate It

from Josh Rickard

Automate Employee Off Boarding Process With Swimlane

2019-05-08 swimlane Josh Rickard
As more organizations discontinue internal services and begin adopting an increasing number of third-party *aaS-based services, ensuring the appropriate access is revoked in a timely manner is critical. By using our new employee off-boarding use case, you can automatically gather historical data, add a user to a monitoring watch list, and finally remove access when it is time to off-board an employee. The employee off-boarding use case contains two distinct applications to assist an organization with managing their employee off-boarding process. Continue reading

Automated Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering With Soar

2019-03-14 swimlane Josh Rickard
We all know that security operations (SecOps) teams are overwhelmed by the extreme number of alerts they receive on a daily basis. Organizations are being attacked from all fronts, whether they know it or not. These attacks vary from social engineering, malicious emails, vulnerable services and applications, misconfiguration (job fatigue), etc. Traditionally in a security operations center (SOC), malware analysis—more specifically reverse engineering—is conducted by a highly trained member of the security team (depending on your size, this may be multiple individuals). Continue reading

How to Setup a Hugo Website on GitHub

2018-08-26 how-to Josh Rickard
I recently transitioned my blog over to GitHub Pages from WordPress. I was using the free version from WordPress.org and I wanted more granular control over the layout. Additionally, I wanted to automate my blog publishing and social media notifications; the free version of WordPress didn’t meet my needs. So I looked around and eventually fell in love with Hugo! This post outlines how to go about setting up a GitHub Pages website/blog using Hugo. Continue reading
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